
Pascal DIOT

Pascal DIOT Previously he spent 28 years in international sales and co-productions departments of multimedia groups (TF1, HACHETTE, UGC, CANAL+, PATHE) as well as in its own production and sales companies (ONOMA, IDPL) and has been Head of the Dubai International Film Festival Market (FILMMART) (2011, 2012, 2013), Market Manager of the first European genre films market FRONTIERES in Brussels (2014, 2015), President of the FIFB (Festival International du Film de Bruxelles) (2015, 2016), CEO of Le Pôle Image de Liège (2014 – 2017) and CEO of the Belgian production company GAPBUSTERS (2017). Advisor to the H!Market of the Hainan Island International Film Festival (2019 ), Advisor to the TIFFCOM (Content Market of the Tokyo Film Festival– (2015 –2019).