important documents


At Stereopsia, we prioritize transparency and a secure, inclusive environment. We invite you to familiarize yourself with our essential policies.


  1. Code of Conduct:

    • Discover our commitment to a respectful and inclusive atmosphere. Learn about the behaviors we encourage and those we strictly prohibit to ensure a positive experience for every participant.
    • > Read more
  2. Third-Party Risk Management:

    • Understand how we navigate and mitigate risks associated with third-party engagements. Your safety and privacy are paramount, and we’re dedicated to managing risks effectively.
      > Read more
    • Privacy Policy:

      • Your privacy matters to us. Delve into our Privacy Policy to comprehend how we handle your data, ensuring transparency in our practices and the protection of your personal information.
      • > Read more
  3. Access Control Policy:

    • Learn about our measures to control access and maintain the security of our events and online platforms. Discover how we safeguard your participation and data.
    • > Read more

Please, take a moment to read these policies, empowering yourself with knowledge about our commitment to your well-being and the success of our events.
Thank you!