

Over the past few years, the European Commission has been a driving force in advancing XR-related research and development projects. Notably, substantial funding has been channeled through the H2020 and Horizon Europe programs, propelling the growth of innovation in this dynamic field.

With the valued support of DG CNECT, XR4Europe is thrilled to extend an exclusive invitation your way. Brace yourself for an unparalleled opportunity to engage with the key protagonists behind these exceptional projects and consortia. This distinctive platform not only grants you access to unveiling their latest outcomes and future visions but also opens avenues for discourse on potential collaborations that can fuel the progression of XR development across Europe.

As the anticipation builds, the spotlight will be on the trailblazers steering ongoing H2020 and Horizon Europe projects. This illuminating afternoon session is organized in partnership with XR4Europe, underscoring our collective commitment to driving XR innovation across the European landscape.

Projects You will discover